The Lord Be With You Welcome to Saint Luke Lutheran Church. Saint Luke is the only Lutheran congregation in Starkville, Mississippi. This makes our congregation a very special place where Lutheran Christians from many different geographic locations, different levels of education, and different ages gather to receive God’s gifts of Word and Sacraments. When you visit Saint Luke you will find college students and retirees working side-by-side to serve God’s people in the Divine Service. You may attend a midweek Christian Instruction class where parents and children learn and pray together. In every way we work to live, grow, and learn as a true family of faith. The Students’ Congregation Members of Saint Luke decided one day that our congregation should be “the students’ congregation.” Like good Lutherans, we began to examine this statement. “What does this mean?” we asked. Does it mean that students will be welcomed at Saint Luke? It became clear that we were saying something much more meaningful. As retired administrators and professors began to put their feelings into words, one professor expressed himself this way: “Many of us have dedicated our lives to the young men and women who move here to grow and learn. Why should our lives of faith be any different?” Every church in a college town wants students to feel welcome, but it quickly became apparent that Saint Luke wanted to be something different. We wanted our congregation to belong to the students. Just as students at MSU are gaining skills that prepare them to be active members and leaders in their respective fields, Saint Luke affords students the opportunity to gain skills that prepare them to be active members and leaders in the congregations they will join when they leave MSU. |
WEEKLY SCHEDULEWednesday 7:00 pm Bible Study Sunday 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Divine Service SPECIAL EVENTSPlease check the calendar for special events |